Hatune Miku at the blood bank
06.12.2009 by Patrick W. Galbraith
I reported a while back that the blood bank in Akihabara is targeting otaku men (story here). Since then, the humble little Red Cross room has opened a new location on the other side of the station. To commemorate the event, they are giving away a limited number of exclusive, official Hatsune Miku goods. If there was any doubt that they are courting the otaku crowd, this puts it to rest.
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3 CommentsComment Page 1 of 1
yokota jumpei wrote on 07.12.2009:
残念。。 血は、たくさんあるほうがいいのに。。追い出す理由がよくわかりません
Patrick wrote on 06.12.2009:
残念ながら、私は追い出されました。なんか、二ヶ月前、いつもの献血をやってしまって、来年の二月まで受けちゃだめだそうです。orz 分かるけどさ、なんで私は罰されていますかって感じ。ミクのグッズをもの凄く欲しいのに。。。ああ、心がいたくなってきました。><
yokota jumpei wrote on 06.12.2009: