19.09.2010 · Blog
'Hardware Girls' launch party
A photographer and journalist, gravure idol and musician, it is tough to pin down Julie Watai, aka Amano Ai, aka Eye Taso. She is as...
01.07.2010 · Features
Momoi Halko: The voice of moe is surprisingly deep!
Interview excerpts and random thoughts
07.06.2010 · Blog
Sucked into the Black Hole AKA 4chan
We just received an "Anonymous" email informing us of Patrick's debut over at 4chan's Otaku Encyclopedia thread. Guess I'll have to sift...
30.05.2010 · Blog
The Politics of Popular Culture
Temple University Japan will be holding two conferences on Japanese popular culture as part of the maid cafes. Each event is 1,000 yen,...

31.03.2010 · Blog
On the prowl for banned goods
I visited an underground collector in Koenji who had literally rooms full of books, CDs and items that had been banned in Japan. He also...
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25.03.2010 · Blog
Sexy legs, no faces
Just walking through Akihabara and saw this sign for an independently produced erotic video. It is of the sentai-hentai variety, or mixing...
22.03.2010 · Blog
Nippombashi Street Festa 2010
I shot over to Osaka for the Nippombashi Street Festa 2010. It was the sixth annual event, and by all accounts was a little more organized...
07.03.2010 · Blog
Yamakan as 'girls anime'
I have a few issues with this issue of "Spoon," a women's magazine that ran a special on "Women's Anime 2010." It is mostly about "Eden of...
26.02.2010 · Blog
Too much time in maid cafes = moe poisoning
This must be a record. I counted, and I now have 15 full membership cards at Cos-Cha. Actually, 14 full and two half full. 20 stamps per...
07.02.2010 · Features
Temple University Japan offers program in popular culture
Roland Kelts teaching anime, Patrick W. Galbraith manga
25.01.2010 · Blog
John Hathway in collection of great illustrators!
The man behind the art of Otaku2, John Hathway (JH Kagaku), has appeared in two published collections of great character illustrators. One...
22.01.2010 · Blog
Intriguing transformable interior object
I am super impressed with this design, which I just received from Yamaji Tomo. He is an independent creator, and this is all made in Japan,...
18.12.2009 · Blog
Patrick heads to AniFusion NYC
While sifting through a few piles of "Droppings" over at one of our fellow comrade's online portholes; I was pointed to some free PR for...
15.12.2009 · Blog
Hello Kitty Loves Nerds?
Here's a new bag to go with a geek's fashionable ensemble while roaming around Akihabara. Is this a case of "Hello Kitty Loves Nerds", or...
07.12.2009 · Blog
Otaku academic conference in Ottawa
I will be presenting on the potential, and limits, of moe and talking about my book. Thomas LaMarre, who recently published a book on anime...
06.12.2009 · Blog
Hatune Miku at the blood bank
I reported a while back that the blood bank in Akihabara is targeting otaku men (story here). Since then, the humble little Red Cross room...
01.12.2009 · Blog
Girly Gundam
Terrifying. Absolutely no excuse for this. I mean, mecha meets moe, I can see that in mecha shojo. But this? It's pink. Just wait - Macross...
12.11.2009 · Blog
Momoi Halko in Akihabara
I met Momoi Halko, idol, seiyuu and self-described Akiba-kei otaku, in Akihabara to discuss moe. She had some fascinating things to say,...
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