Nippombashi in Akihabara
17.05.2010 by Patrick W. Galbraith
Just walking on a side street in Akiba and looked up to see a giant billboard featuring Neon-chan from Nippombashi. It's for the ita laptop I have been lusting after for a while now. Anyway, back to Neon. I know I shouldn't complain, because she is damn cute, but this is Akihabara. Seriously, we need our own image character. I would suggest POP, but that's too young for some. There is Nishimata Aoi, but she has already done the character for the Tachikawa Project. Maybe Toromi. I love her Kebabu-tan.
BTW, Neon-chan was featured in an anime at TAF 2010, which was cute. Curses! We lose again.
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