18.01.2010 · by Patrick W. Galbraith

In pursuit of Cowboy Bebop, or drunken rambling

I have done many a strange thing in my day, but as far as dining goes I think last night surely ranks up there. I was watching "Cowboy Bebop" for the one millionth time, and came across the scene where Spike and Jet drink some vile booze with a lizard in it. I decided that I wanted to drink that, too. A quick Internet search turned up a place called Asadachi (朝起) in Shinjuku, so I went down there. They did, in fact, have a bottle of booze with a lizard stewing in the bottom, a concoction they called Tokage-zake. What's more, they were grilling whole salamanders! After a couple salamander skewers and shots of lizard booze, which tasted something like Aomori nihonshu, I also ordered some kintama, which turned out to be pig nuts. By this point I had a pretty good buzz going and everything tasted like chicken anyway, so I ordered some whale. Yes, I regret it now, but I did it. Turned out to be blubber, which was chewy for a few bites then melted for an all together unpleasant taste sensation. I hear they also have raw frog meat, served with the head, and "beating frog heart," but apparently they were out (maybe I should be happy). That is the last time I drink before I order, or get lonely watching anime and go out looking for trouble! It would have been a lot more fun if Spike had been there...

Tags: Weird Dining 0 Comments



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12.02 05:40 Yeah. It looks something like the great white whale. Elusive, dangerous, alien. Only it is much... view...

10.02 11:26 a great.. white.. otaku.. ( °_° ;) view...

07.02 13:28 @BobJones: "Eden of the East" is shojo? Well, this anime premiered in Noitamina, which primarily... view...

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