New Resource: Volks Shop Finder
09.01.2009 by Eva
Given the invaluable nature of the Volks Shop to doll and hobby enthusiasts, but the near impossible task of tracking one down, we are pleased to present a detailing all of the Volks Showroom and Volks Tenshi no Sumika locations in Japan.
It has been many a sad time, when I have run into Tokyo sightseers distraught at near barren Volks shelves in Akihabara, but have been unable to describe other nearby locations save for personal escort. Hopefully this tool will enable everyone to find and visit the various and plenty Volks locations across the country. A link to the map will be archived in our Resources section, though you can also access it
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09.01.2009 · Resources
Volks Shop Finder
The following link leads to a Google Map detailing all of the Volks Showroom and Tenshi no Sumika locations in Japan. In addition to...