Filed under: Anime Gainax

Evangelion 2.0 Second Opinion Review

05.07.2009 by Adrian A. Lozano

Evangelion 2.0: You Can (Not) Advance is a beautiful mess of a full feature anime film. Just like “Evangelion 1.11: You Are (Not) Alone” the viewer really needs to have seen the entire Evangelion series and previous movies to be able to connect the fist full of missing dots that are left out of these two big screen re-imaginings. Is the movie bad? No not at all, but the film does severely lack any and all the emotional anguish I happily paid to experience. The film starts off with the introduction of the new EVA pilot Mari, who was solely created as a plot device to get Shinji off his pathetic wussy ass. The opening battle is classic Evangelion full of high tension and an amazing battle with a new Angel that leads to the destruction of the US base, but not before a badly wounded Mari ejects from UNIT-05. Kaji is also there deep in the base at the time of the explosion but somehow manages to escape with out so much as a scratch. Hmmmmmmm, I wonder.

The film jumps to Tokyo 3 were Misato and Shinji are out for a drive when a new Angel attacks and Asuka's over the top and badly animated first appearance unfolds. Asuka's skydiving attack just doesn't pay off, and it makes her look like some kind of EVA UNIT ace pilot that could beat an angel with ease. From here on the remainder of the first act of the film revolves around Rei, Shinji, and Asuka going to school. There are a few classic Misato apartment moments tossed in and Pen Pen even gets a good amount of screen time. Kaji also makes his way to Tokyo 3 and goes way out of character and pulls some BL kissing joke on Shinji. Hmmmmmmm, I wonder. The story jumps to the moon's orbit where you see Kaworu standing shirtless on top of his EVA UNIT, other than Fujoshi fan service the scene really has no purpose.

After a few more angel attacks Mari literally falls out of the sky and UNIT-03 is brought into the picture. As soon as I saw UNIT-03 my heart sank, Toji is my favorite character and I was devastated when he piloted UNIT-03 in the original series, but in this version the pilot is switch to Asuka. From here every character goes around steeling every other character's thunder, and they all pale in comparison. Asuka ends up suffering Toji's fate and even worse dies, but to a less emotional effect. Also the music kills the scene and turns it into a Wes Anderson film. Asuka's death leads to Shinji having a fit and him leaving Nerv. This new Shinji seem to only care about Rei, and is constantly playing for her affections, and slowly Rei even starts to reciprocate.

The Zeruel battle does breath life back into the film's climactic ending. Mari hijacks UNIT-02 and attacks Zeruel and fails, she then goes Asuka berzerk and fails again. Rei enters the battle with her suicide N2 bomb attack and with the help of Mari they break the AT-Field then attempt to blow up Zeruel.............. and fail. Mari gets blown way by the blast almost landing on Shinji sulking in a shelter. Mari forces Shiji to see what's happening and he sees Rei get eaten by Zeruel. From here Shinji goes totally out of character and goes into the fight not only to defeat the Zeruel but to rescue the one person he has true feelings for. Shinji finds the power to reach into Zeruel and pull Rei to safety. Come on give me at least one good death scene. Shinji's actions some how lead to the Third Impact and the credits stat to role. Prior to the preview of the next movie there is a short scene where Kaworu flies down from space and stabs UNIT-01 in the back.

Evangelion 2.0: You Can (Not) Advance was fun to watch, a bit slow at parts but if you're a fan of the series it is enjoyable. The EVA UNITs still look about the same but now they have a really wide torso that makes them look out of shape and frumpy. Kaji is just seems to be up to something devious, going to keep my eye on him. Most important thing of all Misato is sexier than ever!

33 CommentsComment Page 1 of 4 1 2 3 4 >

Liam wrote on 06.2.2011:

Ok just to get this straight, the rebuild of evangelion series is not trash. As i hope we all know, due to company and creator issues, the original ending for the series blew. it made sense but it left no real ending except for what your interpreted. it was a poor excuse for a end. They got it half right with the end of evangelion movie, instead of stuffing everything into this one dream world i guess you could say, they actually gave us a ending, but what was with the choking and the "how disgusting". this rebuild gives you awesome effects, and puts a new spin on it. Rei being kind, asuka stops being a bitch and smiles? that what i have always wanted! the first rebuild movie was great, they have a great build up and then a awesome climax. then the second adds in stuff that is totally awesome. im glad they didnt waste there time with stupid stuff like the magma angel, and toji being a pilot AND THEN NEVER SEEING HIM AGAIN FOR THE REST OF THE SERIES. Im seriously mad asuka got belted but she will be back and in 3.0 im sure they will answer questions that we have. the main thing i hope for is no definite ending. at the very end, they should have everyone together in there normal life because shinji rejects the human instrumality project. Main point: watch the series, then the end movie, then the rebuild.

Patrick wrote on 07.11.2010:

@J Dude, chillax! If you read my review, which I wrote an hour after watching the film, you will see that I note she is alive. I noted that she "died," or appeared to, in the film. Frankly, after the punishment she took, it is absurd that Asuka would live. The viewer is meant to think she died, and that is precisely why everyone in the audience, even after waiting all night in the street for the opening, whooped out loud when she appeared in the trailer for the next film.

J wrote on 07.11.2010:

2 different reviewers BOTH thinking Asuka dies? Did the 2 of you both go to the can during that scene with here in quarantine?


ughGodwhy wrote on 28.7.2010:

Just have to add a comment here. This movie is awful. It adds nothing to the series and in fact takes more away then it adds. Also, it relies on the fact that the audience has already seen the original series too much. This movie can (NOT) stand alone. All the character development takes place in the series. If we forget the series exists, nothing makes sense.

Case in point, why is EVA 02 magically appearing over Japan? What's the lead in? What it just flew from Germany to fight the angel? They must have known it was coming a few days in advance. Also, what is the deal with Asuka? Why is she a whining EMO punktard? She even treats Hikari like she's a thorn in her side. What are her endearing qualities (and don't point to anything from the original series)? Why do her and Shinji live together? They are teammates and should learn to get along? If that is the case, why doesn't Rei live there too? What was the deal with that bedroom scene? Did that feel forced to you? What was the deal with the doll? Asuka never mentioned her family at all. Does she have mommy issues? Well we can only come to that conclusion if we watched the original. Here she's just a PMSing head case with a grudge against everyone for no particular reason. In fact she's more anti-social than Shinji. And no its not because she had a mental breakdown (that was the original series - here you wouldn't know that).

So instead of spending the time to redevelop the characters especially because of the many changes they made, they skipped it completely. How can you develop Asuka further? She's dead. Even if you bring her back and have the same conclusion, it would seem forced at best. You might as well have Shinji end up with the new girl at this point. What was her back story again? Wait, they didn't really even delve into that. What's the point?

The story is rushed and is missing dramatic tension and connection to the characters. It can't stand on its own. I know it, and so do you. You can't make a connection to the characters without referencing the original series. Go ahead, try to do it. We both know you can't.

That goes for all sorts of ridiculous scenes in this series. Kowaru on the moon. Why? In the context of things, it makes no sense. If you haven't seen the original series, you don't even know who that is or why you should care. Also, since he plays no part in the beginning of Third Impact and never meets or relates to Shinji, why should we care? Is that cameo the best they can do for that character?

Then there were the nonsensical changes. The relationship between Misato and Kaji made no sense. Also everyone knew Lilith was being protected below. Who didn't? Lets just erase all dramatic tension. I guess saving the Earth wasn't enough without specifics. Lets also shorten the list of Angels. Lets take out almost all the ones Asuka fought: the one on the boat, the one that splits, the one in the magma, etc. Actually I'm grateful for that. I was sick of watching Asuka chew the scenery.

The visuals were both stunning and nauseating. At parts they were really impressive. At other parts, they were cheesy and over the top. The neon green on unit 1 really adds nothing to the story and looks bad. And what was with its roar? Also, the countless "hey looks at how awesome this 3D crap were adding in looks" scenes just stuck out like a sore thumb against the regular stylized anime that they practically recycled.

So to sum up: Visuals really add nothing, story is worse, character development is nonexistant, character changes not backed up by anything, new character useless, dramatic tension evaporated, and overall plot rushed. This is terrible. If you think you like it, you should just fess up to reality. You know it sucks. You love the characters because of the original story. You really want this to be good, but its not. Its horrible. Its the bastard child of the series. When all is said and done, I guarantee that most fans will disavow these 4 movies. This is the directors own fanfic, if you can even call it that. This will go down in history as the biggest disappointment ever made by anyone anywhere ever. A simple attempt to grab more money by overhyping a disappointing version that pales in comparison to the original.

So in closing I have one final plea: Hedeaki Anno, please stop making movies. Please stop making beloved characters chew the scenery. Please stop using the original series as a crutch, an excuse for not developing characters or telling a proper story. You're lazy and to tell you the truth, in the context of your new character, we just don't care. The only way I would watch this again is if you had all pro wrestlers doing the dub, and they were screaming all their lines as if they were threatening each other. At least then it would feel like it should: like an abridged series.

DamnitJustDamnit wrote on 27.7.2010:

Just watched this. Had to stop when they killed Asuka. Seriously this is the bastard child of the series. Its like watching Star Wars except Darth Vader is replaced by Barney the dinosaur and Luke Skywalker is in a wheelchair drooling. WTF??? Oh don't worry, well replace Luke with some dude you've never heard of. By the way, they'll kill the emperor in the middle of Empire Strikes Back and spend the rest of the two movies debating the meaning of life. Mother@#$%rs.

And seriously that is what this story is; Star Wars on speed. Lets see what they left out. Character development? Lets breeze past all that. We know next to nothing about Asuka this time around except that she is on her period permanently and is probably certifiably insane, and for some reason has a different last name. Shinji, well we know less about him than in the original series. Rei? Well I haven't learned anything new except she likes to cook. Misato? Nothing new. Kaji? He's into guys (WHY GOD WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN US!). The new girl? Honestly I don't care. She serves no function except to steal scenes that were once Asuka's and Rei's. Did this series really need the female equivalent of Austin Powers?

So in closing, I say we band arms together and burn every last copy and prevent them from ever making any remakes. If you can get the talent together to make a movie, please make something ORIGINAL and stop SQUEEZING A TURD ON YOUR MASTERPIECE. Honestly, fanfics did it more justice.

What's next? The Secret of NiMH where all the mice brandish chainsaws while yodelling? How about a Shawshank Redemption where there was no prison. Star Wars 7 where we learn of Yoda's secret plan to control the galaxy using a super mitochloridian or whatever?

This is just more in the way of directors destroying their own masterpieces in the persuit of a quick buck alla George Lucas, Steven Speilberg (ALIENS IN A INDIANA JONES MOVIE? WHAT THE HELL?) and now Hedeaki Anno with this masterturd.

You know what, I'm just going to rename this anime. This is its new name: NEON WISHITWAS EXANGELION 2.VOMIT: THE GEORGE LUCAS TRIALS

May the turd be with you.

Banzai wrote on 23.6.2010:

Awful review, but there are some valid points. I just hope 3.0 answers all the questions and demands I want...please no more new characters? Sanchez Muirde, the only japanese mexican in Tokyo-3. He kills himself after losing to an Angel every time with every Eva. He then kills Asuke, Sinji, and throws Rei in a basement for his own pleasure. Finally he kills himself with a pistol with the word, "Porqueeeee?!" Yea, he's a thus a paradox.
Next time in Evangelion 4.0, watch Sanchez marry Sinji ultimately causing the third reaction.

Patrick wrote on 28.5.2010:


Right on, brother! Come back to us, Asuka!!!

Alucard wrote on 28.5.2010:

I'm pissed off what happend to Asuka, I know that she isn't dead, but we don't know her condition. Mari is a good character, but she can't take Asuka's place. And the second important thing, how it'll be solved with the impact. We know that there will be 2 movies, i think it's too much for this one. Can't wait next movie and the return of Asuka - this is the best character in Evangelion universe.

Sebastian wrote on 08.4.2010:

you obviously have no idea what your talking about, this is a terrible review. These reviews written by morons who dont understand the series give Evangelion a bad name.

this is in no way a continuation from End of eva, first Eva-01 is last seen floating in space drifting away from earth, plus rei/kawrous souls are dertroyed when lilith is killed.

John wrote on 09.1.2010:

I just have to say one thing. I get a little tired of people dogging shinji in this series. If you have ever watched the whole series and not just sat scratching your head at the end you will understand that shinji is the most courageous character of them all. It would only make sense since shinji is a representation of the series's creator.

If you dont get it watch the ending again.

Shinji self actualizes in the end. Everyone else in the series is just doing things because of something ego driven but at the end of the series shinji is the one who truly finds meaning. He realizes that life is only what he thinks it to be! The only character who makes it out. Even in the movie the female is not who we think it to be instead is simply a representation of his mother, Rei and Asuka.

Asuka, the courageous one, falls into a deep depression after realizing that she can not over come her internal pain be being the best (or atleast better then everyone else).Even her name Souryou Asuka Langley comes off as a little arrogant and as anyone can tell you arrogance is trying to cover up low self esteem. She never over comes this defect throughout.

Rei is simply following what she believes her destiny to be. She considers herself a tool but does finally betray Gendo only for his son the true light of the series.

Gendo is trapped in resentment and lamentation of his life. Possibly the weakest of all characters he does not wish to move forward in life but wants to reclaim what he has lost. In the end he admits that he feared Shinji and that was the root of his neglect.

Misato like many people in the military she has rigid guidelines by which she sees life but ironically never really does much to enact change. Nice out take I found.

Misato: ... to be honest, I have been projecting all my dreams, hopes and Purpose onto you. I know it has been a great burden to you, but we, everyone at NERV, have no choice but to entrust our future to you. Just remember that, please.
Shinji: It is selfish, isn't it?
Misato: I know that.

Ritsuko is a slave to intellect which ofcourse is why she is betrayed by emotion in the end. She really was incapable of thinking her own mother would betray her to a man who had not respect for her because it was not logical.

Kaji relies on charm and intellect. although he above many others in the series no about the evil at work he does nothing to prevent it and although he did end up dieing I wonder if he would have once again done anything to save his own skin but he ran out of options.

Kaworu does not even believe in what he is doing. Although after Shinji he is my second favorite character. He is still doing what he is supposed to and never asking why.

The list goes on and on and it is only through the understanding that Shinji is what the story is about do we begin to wonder what I we supposed to learn from him. Remember he is the central character in the series. In the beginning he is lost arriving at Tokyo 2 because his father has sent for him. He still desperately seeks the approval of his father but feels unworthy of it at the same time. He is full of self loathing and believes lies about himself. Even in the end he says he is a coward although we see him act with bravery over and over again throughout the series. He says he is a sneak and a liar. None of these things are true. He does not always do what he is told. He stands up to his father a few times although in the end he does what is needed to help others. The point is he is always asking why... why do I do this... why do I pilot eva... Many people live there entire life and never ask this question. They might as well be toasters... put bread in get toast out... good person.

The point is not that he finds the courage to change. He grows up. As children we learn to do what we are told. Especially in Japan. Shinji finally learns that reality is just not as simple as that... and at the same time it is much simpler :)

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