Hatsune Miku Town!?
10.03.2009 by Patrick W. Galbraith
I was passing through a dirty little patch north of Yokohama when I happened to see this sign: Hatsune-cho. Perhaps this be the mythical town of Hatsune Miku...?
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04.04.2010 · Blog
The reach of moe is long...
OK, so anime of late tends to put in cute girls to attract viewers and sell merchandise. Some people criticize and dismiss it for this...
22.03.2010 · Blog
Nippombashi Street Festa 2010
I shot over to Osaka for the Nippombashi Street Festa 2010. It was the sixth annual event, and by all accounts was a little more organized...
28.09.2009 · Blog
Nippombashi pictures
Just some pics of the guys from Macross World and local Japanese otaku that showed me around Nippombashi last week. Thanks again Howard,...
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Lupin makes a stop in Tokyo!
The Lupin Station, 10 minutes from Suidobashi Station on the Sobu Line, opened for business yesterday. There are some really great...
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The ultimate work tie!
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Uma Uma advertising...
This is an ad for Suntory's "Jokki Nama" beer. Pretty rancid stuff, but the girl on the right is saying, "It's uma uma!" kind of slang for...