The Otaku Encyclopedia Launch Event
12.06.2009 by Adrian A. Lozano
Last night was the official launching event for The Otaku Encyclopedia written by none other than our very own Otaku2 co-founder Patrick W. Galbraith. The Otaku Encyclopedia hit Japanese book store shelves earlier this week just a few days before the event. Patrick has worked tirelessly on this book over the past year and the finished product is just amazing. The softcover book is in full color with a 258 page count of interviews and anime terminology from A to Z, that isn't just based off of popular or niche opinions.
Over the last two decades quite few books have been released covering Anime and or Manga, but they usually tend to be full of second hand information (I'm being generous) or written in a way that makes you feel the writer is on a superiority trip in the world of geekdom. Every page of this book is full of amazing imagery from official product shots to actual locations that have a relation to Japanese sub-culture. Thinking back it's also probably one of the hand full of recent books that focuses solely on reaching out to Otaku not living in Japan that features original art work that well "doesn't suck", I'm of course talking about the books' mascot character Moe-pon. Now if you are a hard nose first or second generation anime fan and are dead set against current anime trends (Like me, to some degree), don't be fooled by the overly loud and bright Moefied cover, this book covers detailed information for all generations to pick a part and scrutinizes.
The book launch event took place in Akihabra on the evening of Friday June 12, 2009 hosted by Akihabara Culture Café Schatzkiste. The party started promptly at eight o'clock and guests quickly piled in. Once in the most common question being asked was "Where is Patrick?". The man of the next two hours was late for his own Ball. I could hardly blame him since Café Schatzkiste is now relocated on the farthest side of Akihabara, and no Otaku would be able to make it there with out making purchasing pit stops on the way, unless they were muzzled, bound and dollied upright like Hannibal Lecter straight to the event. Only this Hannibal tends to cospaly as Super Saiyajin Goku and is known by the locals only as Gaigokujin .
The event was a crowded one and finally upon Patrick's late arrival a toast was made and the books were made available for purchase. Some of the surprise guest where video game goddess Haruna Anno and Danny Choo in full Imperial Stormtrooper garb. It was a celebration among friends and colleagues that Patrick has come across while on his Otaku pilgrimage that he had began in fall of 2004.
Passion is the best word I can think of to describe this book. It is and will be sold in the . Let us know what you think in our comment section below.
In the words of Patrick............ "Take Care."
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11 CommentsComment Page 1 of 2 1 2 >
zachariah wrote on 26.1.2010:
thank you patrick and ill go to japan someday i really want to see akihabara and maybe ill see you i hope it be nice meet you ^^
Patrick wrote on 24.1.2010:
@ zachariah
You tell 'em, brother. ^^/
zachariah wrote on 23.1.2010:
it was a real eye opening experince i was amazed about how much more it was than just likeing anime and it was a really good book i would have never knew what moe meant and the true meaning of otaku and by god am proud to say it!!!!
vitti chan wrote on 18.12.2009:
I bet everything in there is totally moe!!
ota (^_~) wrote on 14.10.2009:
Sugooooooi!!! It is very very very wonderful book! I really love it! Especially the graphics - Akashiro Miyu san is the best indeed!! Thank you Galbraith san very much - "for deepening my depression" (whenever I look into your book I miss beloved Nippon more). IMHO, the book is very well balanced, layout is perfect. Great work! Hontooni doomo arigatoo! -from Europe-
0ne wrote on 10.7.2009:
Bought my copy today!
Gilles Poitras wrote on 21.6.2009:
Wish I could have been there but I won't be in Tokyo again until October. I do have the book in front of me, most impressive.
Howard wrote on 16.6.2009:
Very impressive accomplishment, Patrick. I will pick up a copy ASAP. Looking forward to your future works.
Patrick wrote on 15.6.2009:
A non-otaku in the wrong place at the right time. It was a heck of a mix!
Steffen Weiss wrote on 13.6.2009:
Haha, pit stops! I had do some too.. at least I can play Aquanauts Holiday now.