Momoi Halko in Akihabara
12.11.2009 by Patrick W. Galbraith
I met Momoi Halko, idol, seiyuu and self-described Akiba-kei otaku, in Akihabara to discuss moe. She had some fascinating things to say, including a strong opinion that moe can and will travel around the world. Her evidence was a recent world tour where fans responded to Komugi-chan and Seto no Hanayome. I can't think of a better ambassador for Akiba and moe culture than Momoi Halko, who was doing street lives here back in 1996 and was among the first to not use a pseudonymn when singing eroge songs. Thanks to Momoi-san for her time, and signing my copy of her book, and Fritz Schumann for taking some great pics!
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Odessa☆UPDATE wrote on 16.12.2009:
Hello Patrick !
Your Book about Otaku & Moe must be translated into Japanese !
I will read also your Book !