Moe meets punk, and it is beautiful
07.04.2009 by Patrick W. Galbraith
This CD just came out, and being a huge Goto Yuko and Momoi Halko fan I was there to pick it up. The idea is basically seiyuu trying to sing famous punk songs in English. They can hardly speak the language, let alone sing it, and their high pitched voices make the ensuing chaos all the more moe moe. Truly, whoever thought of this deserves the Congressional Metal of Honor for heroism in my world. Highlights:
1) Kadowaki Maii sings "Pretty Fly (for a White Guy)"
2) Goto Yuko sings "Smells Like Teen Spirit"
3) Shimizu Kaori sings "Blitzkreig Bop"
Worst moment: Momoi Halko sings "Sex and Violence" (it should have been so good...)
As a younger man I hated all the songs on this album, but now they are somehow strangely soothing... Thank you, moe, and thank you Japan.
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