Miku and Kenketsu-chan
13.01.2010 by Patrick W. Galbraith
The Electric Town Entrance of JR Akihabara Station has been undergoing some vast renovations these past few months. The downside is really bad pedestrian traffic flow, but the good news is nifty electronic sign boards on the pillars where all the maid CMs used to hang. I was waiting for Jamie Lano when I happened to notice this advert for Miku x Kenketsu-chan, another in a long campaign to hook otaku on donating blood and building connections to the donation centers. Hey, it works! I count down the days until my next donation: 25 days. ... Wow. I think I an actually feel the burn of shame right now...
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20.01.2011 · Blog
Akihabara gearing up for new Pedestrian Paradise
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Top of the Christmas wish list
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Haruhi gum!
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