Know Akiba, get chicks
03.11.2009 by Patrick W. Galbraith
Newsflash from "R-25," a free information magazine in Tokyo:
"If you understand Akiba, then you might be popular overseas?"
OK, that is a new one on me. Granted, this is only a slogan written on a stand for the magazine, and I haven't seen any full article, but I just can't imagine that knowing about Akiba is going to help anybody anywhere meet women....
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2 CommentsComment Page 1 of 1
Adrian Lozano wrote on 06.11.2009:
Sham!!! I'm about as popular as a background character standing in a crowded scene from the original Orgus anime, and I understand Akiba better than most.
RMilner wrote on 04.11.2009:
Some female western anime fans would probably be impressed by a Japanese guy who knew Akihabara.
A lot more girls would think he was a spod.